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Health Care: Medical Tourism market in india 2011
Posted Date: 9/7/2011 5:02:00 PM

The Indian medical tourism market is growing at an excellent rate and currently witnessing a high inflow of international patients who come to India for medical treatments due to the country’s lower healthcare costs and various other advantages. With this rapid increase in the target base of consumers, the market will exhibit steady growth in future, thus providing players the opportunity to increase profitability. The report provides a snapshot of the medical tourism market. It begins with an introduction section which mentions the countries actively involved in medical tourism and from which countries India is threatened. It also mentions the treatments in the Indian medical sector that are most sought after by international patients. The market overview section provides an insight into the market and highlights the market size and growth. It also mentions the current and expected number of foreign patients coming to India for treatment. Also, an insight into the most common treatments provided to foreign patients has been provided. For more information visit:

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