A new formula has been created by British researchers that can possibly help in predicting the success rate of an in-vitro fertilization procedure. The new technique will help couples in deciding whether they would like to go through with the treatment.
The application that has been developed is available over the internet and can possibly come to be very handy for couples who are trying to conceive a baby. The calculator will be available on the website, www. ivfpredict. com and will also be available on iPhones and other phones with an Android operating system.
The results that are revealed by the calculator can be later on used by couples to consult their doctors.
The new program has been developed by experts at the University of Glasgow and Bristol, who had used the data related to 144,000 IVF cycles to create a statistical model. The model was created with such preciseness that its predictions had an accuracy rate of 99%.
The method will basically take into account the age of the woman who is trying to conceive, followed by the years since when she has been trying to conceive, whether the eggs are hers or someone else''s, cause of going through IVF and whether she has been pregnant previously or had a baby.